Aside from the main research lines, group members are collaborating on other exciting projects. To be fair, the distinction between main research and collaboration is not always clear.
Maria is participating in this SNF-funded project, where the aim is to develop a metapopulation model that incorporates four demographic aspects (density, environmental autocorrelation, and vital-rate reaction norms and covariation). This work is the focus of the PhD theses of Louis Bliard and Eva Conquet.
This H2020 Consortium project aims to design a resilient and coherent Trans-European Network for Nature and People. Maria is collaborating on several working packages with researchers and practitioners to effectively add demographic parameters and species' population ecology to the network design.
We are collaborating with Marcello D'Amico from EBD-CSIC on using Bayesian latent-state methods to quantify the abundance of road kill in Spain and how this can affect population dynamics of various taxa (birds, mammals, amphibians). This work is currently the focus of Guillermo Gomez' MS thesis.